International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI) (ISSN 1673-7288, CODEN IJSIBU) is an international peer-reviewed journal for publishing papers in software and broad areas of informatics. IJSI has an editorial board consisting of internationally well known experts. IJSI welcomes from all over the world original papers in all areas of Software and Informatics. IJSI is indexed by DBLP, IC(Index Copernicus), Ulrichsweb, CSA(Technology). IJSI will focus on theoretical foundation and practical research of software techniques; other areas of computer science will also be considered. IJSI topics will be organized partially different from those commonly appearing in other computer science publications and educational courses. Specifically, IJSI will establish dedicated sections for emerging research areas that have been recognized internationally...→more information

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Recently Published Articles:      

Ruqian Lu. A Historical Document, A Piece of Precious Memory Editorial. International Journal of Software and Informatics, 2015,9(2):93

Bernd Krieg-Bruckner. Chinese University Development Project. International Journal of Software and Informatics, 2015,9(2):95~111

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